A.) Bankers take more money from People and return less.
B.) Bankers take even more money from People and return even less.
C.) Bankers take HUGE amount of money from People and return nothing .
The above steps are further explained below:
1.) There are two types of people in the world - The Bankers and The People.
2.) The Bankers are smart, The People are stupid.
3.) People earn money by getting paid for hard work or selling something they have (businesses).
4.) Bankers earn money by taking more money from people and giving them back less money, they call this 'interest'(People keep their money in the bank on 2-3% interest, People take loans from the bank on 14-16% interest).
5.) Once the Bankers have a steady stream of money from the People as given in '4', they get bored and they decide to fool the people some more.
6.) The Bankers now come up with 'financial products' so that the People will give them more money thinking that they'll make more money (high return, more interest).
7.) The Bankers now give this money to people who'll not be able to pay back the high return, more interest.
8.) The Bankers declare a "financial crisis" keeping all the focus on the people who didn't pay back the high interest (which was always unrealistic).
9.) The Bankers then take more money from the People (Bailouts) to compensate for the defaulted loans.
10.) The Bankers don't have to repay this money to the people whom it was taken from because they have been told that their 'financial products' are now bust.
Now to Grades of stupidity of people:
1st grade - these people pay their taxes and put the rest of their earnings in the bank.
2nd grade - these people pay their taxes and put the rest of their earnings in the bank, in bank schemes (FDs, etc).
3rd grade - these people pay their taxes and put the rest of their earnings in the bank, in bank schemes (FDs, etc) and then take loans from the bank.
4th grade - these people pay their taxes and put the rest of their earnings in the bank, in bank schemes (FDs, etc) and then take loans from the bank and support bailouts for banks since there is a 'financial crisis'.
5th grade - these people pay their taxes and put the rest of their earnings in the bank ,in bank schemes (FDs, etc) and then take loans from the bank and support bailouts for banks since there is a 'financial crisis', and stop spending and put even more money in the bank because there is a 'financial crisis'.
I am currently in the 1st grade of stupidity, when this "financial crisis" gets better, I'll make more money and proceed to the next grades of stupidity, I hope I can cover all the grades in one lifetime, then I can be a successful man, I've always wanted to do something with my life, and I'll work very hard to achieve 'something' in life.
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